Memories #8
Au Revoire Simone - Move in Spectrums
When adolescence hit me, there weren't very many places that I could go where I felt safe. I was an uncomfortable, awkward and shy tween. The force of the opposite sex was overwhelmingly attractive and terrifying at the same time. I had absolutely no clue how to approach the idea of connecting in any intimate way but it soon became the most important goal of my life. Music was a diversion, not a distraction but a place where I was able to hide away and find comfort in a strange new world. Every lyric brought beautiful thoughts and my imagination would bloom, expand with dreams of the perfect romantic communion. I gravitated toward pop songs that spoke of love and delight, that gave me visions of a future that I longed to fulfill. Of course, I was the lead character in the stories that filled my head when I would descend into the sweet bliss of these songs and the young women who accompanied me were always special. Eventually, as I came to discover, life doesn't exactly travel along such charted waters. It's so much fuller than the traced out lines of a simple tale of bliss. But even after I learned about the true way to connect with another human being, I still love to create stories of the heart. So, there are still times when i hear a pop song that is reminiscent of that time in my life and I find myself falling into the starry-eyed bliss of romantic illusion. I guess that's one reason I love to write.
Arguably, as we get old enough to no longer succumb to "simple tales of bliss", the function of pop songs is to let us go back to that time in our imagination, three minutes at a time, and linger there for a while in the sweet absurdity of what we thought we knew.
A song, a magic moment, a memory that created our hearts!love it!
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