Monday, January 05, 2015

Memories #13

Hospitality - Trouble

There was a time when I was young, the early teen years, when I loved to listen to pop music more than anything, especially if the voice of a sweet girl accompanied it. I knew that it was women who sang to me but I imagined the young blossoming girls in my class. It was a magical sound but it absolutely had to frizz and bounce with sugary melody. Bands like the GoGos and the Bananarama were a constant presence and women like Susanna Hoffs and Terri Nunn came to me in my dreams. It was a world of summer, sunshine and fields of flowers and it bubbled with happiness in my imagination. Later, when I would drive around town alone, coming down off the mountain of Jamul, I would secretly listen to bands like the Popinjays and the Sundays and feel such bliss, though my dreams had turned darker by then and the happiness I caught from the sound of these lovely women's voices were but a fleeting glimpse. I've grown much since those days but I still carry a fondness for the sweet sound of pop music, catchy tunes that squeeze my heart with a songbird floating lightly above the sway. Hospitality, a fresh band out of New York, has captivated me in such a way this year. and the stories that flow from my imagination when I listen to them take me back to sunflowery goodness.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You take me back. Sundays, Frente, Liz Phair, Portishead...the music of our youth never leaves us.

8:52 PM  
Blogger mishupishu said...

To this day, I can listen to some of those bands and still enjoy them, even if they have aged terribly.

9:41 PM  

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