Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Rewind #9

Adele: 19 (2008)

Adele has such a sweet thick voice that resonates timeless in its perfection. Another Myspace success story, Adele has catapulted into fame before she could even leave her teens. Already her album has debuted at number one in her home country (UK), been nominated for a few Grammy Awards here in the states, played SNL and made my top ten of the year. So she's got a lot going for her. Her honey-soul sound is one that's been getting some attention over the past couple of years, especially following the success of Amy Winehouse but so far Adele hasn't gone down the train-wreck path just yet. I love this type of music, old and new, and Adele's 19 has been stuck in our stereo for months now. I'm not sure when I plan on taking it out. For the moment it'll remain and her essence will fill our living room with soft but elevated bliss. Her husky heart-wrenching voice will serenade us across the gap of the world, through time and space, a rising star that is shining bright in the night sky.

Persepolis: Marjane Satrapi & Vincent Paronnaud (2007)

Marjane Satrapi went through hell, some of it in Iran. She put it all down in her autobiographic novel, Persepolis and gave us all an incredibly wonderful visual journey through the heartland of a country that lost its way. Coming of age during the Islamic revolution Satrapi reveals a terribly oppressive environment in a dark but also endearing and comical way. It was a time when so much promise ended up bringing about so much suffering, a continuous human undoing. It also made Satrapi suffer tremendously as she entered her adult years and even though she managed to escape the confines of the Islamic Republic of Iran, her life continued to devolve until she reached the dregs of existence. Eventually she found a way to return home for herself and her parents and now she's made a movie based on her novel. The entire ordeal is played out in the same black-and-white visuals of her graphic novel to perfection and it carries the essence of Satrapi's story. She's a woman with such a beautiful and dynamic heart, who had the fortitude to strive through her suffering and give the world a film that needs to be seen. When I watch movies like this, I always get inspired to create. I want to give something to world that might give it a sense of balance. Humanity suffers so much through the years but always manages to keep going. It's because of these humanistic beings who only want to bring love to the world, the type of love that overcomes all obstacles, the spirit of life that thrives against the storm. We need to keep that fighting creative spirit alive because even though the thunder may wane at times, there are always dark clouds on the horizon and there will always be a need to help others find shelter.

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