Monday, January 26, 2009

Rewind #12

Samantha Crain: The Confiscation (2008)

Samantha Crain has a voice that's full of ethereal magic. You hear it and the first thought is that it belongs to someone you know or you've heard it somewhere but can't quite place it. Once you realize it's Crain who's wooing you with her precious chemistry, everything begins to blend into a comfortable room that you never want to leave. That's because she weaves right down through your soul as if her voice has resonated for ages, across the cosmos and finally has reached your lovely brain. It's timeless and will never be forgotten once it crosses the threshold. I find myself constantly putting The Confiscation into every playlist that I conjure for my listening pleasure and I've yet to have it disappoint. In these endless days that spread beyond tomorrow, let's hope that Samantha Crain has discovered a path into our consciousness because the world will never be the same once her presence is known. Here's to seeking that light of truth.

Berkeley Square: Lesley Manning (1998)

Berkeley Square is a mini-series (or a seriously long-ass movie) from our friends across the atlantic, the BBC. The story follows three nannies who, near the beginning of the twentieth century, move into upscale Berkeley Square to watch over the children of posh families. It has terrible production values, looks like it was shot on video and completely lacks the beautiful faces of today's media outlook, but this film is simply wonderful to watch. The way the film-makers weave the story through the households, creating remarkable characters struggling with the wickedness of classism and every other natural desire and temptation that comes with the territory. Each nanny's tale is engaging and completely honest and the actors work magic with a script that is flawless, pulling us back into the world of old that is slowly beginning to crumble beneath the modern era that is rapidly blossoming with the turn of the century. What I truly loved about this series is that everyone is so completely human that it almost feels like someone went back in time with a video camera and recorded it for posterity, finding a way to sneak into the intimacy of these people's lives. No one jumps off the screen with a larger than life persona or movie-star credentials but everyone is absolutely wonderful in their roles, outperforming all of the pompous asses who grace the silver-screens on this side of the water. Hats off to everyone involved. I didn't want it to end.

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