Friday, January 04, 2008

M&M #24

Nightmares on Wax – In A Space Outta Sound (2006)

This is one of those down-tempo jazzy hip-hop numbers that hangs on deep into the night when all of the normal people fade into the dark slumber of dreams. Nightmares on Wax is the soundtrack to the hazy beat floating around sofa surfers and couch maidens with funky dreads and a cough reaching down into your lungs. It's the sound heavy down through the beat beneath swirling rims and the fresh midnight breeze that goosebumps across your skin. It's the soul purpose of George Evelyn's creative heart and if you simply take a moment, close your lids and listen...just listen. He'll communicate to you too.

Shortbus - John Cameron Mitchell (2006)

Shortbus is a movie that's about sex and the movie does have quite a bit of sex...real sex. They weren't acting like they were having sex with desperate painful expressions that are supposed to convince us that they're 'acting', but real penetrative sex and real orgasms and spewing of bodily fluids and...just about everything else you can imagine. We're seeing this more and more in the respectable independent film-making sector but unlike some of his contemporaries, Mitchell just knows how to tell a story. The more that I watched this sexy movie I realized that it wasn't really about the sex. It was simply being honest about the way sex exists in our lives and how that effects our relationships and all the other myriad of ways that we try to interact with one another and ourselves. It was refreshing and I felt good when the movie was over...but also a little tired, spent, ready to sleeeeeeeeeeee........

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